- Name: Manabu Niseki
- Email(PGP): F3FA 1E3D E161 2002 D385 F9D4 D2E4 09A7 7AD3 FE19
- Twitter: @ninoseki
- GitHub: @ninoseki
Talks / Workshops
- FIRST TC Bali 2018
- Internet Week 2018
- REVULN'19: Catch Phish If You Can - A Case Study of Phishing Website and Actor
- HITCON Community 2019: Roaming Mantis: an Anatomy of a DNS Hijacking Campaign
- Botconf 2019: Roaming Mantis: A Melting Pot of Android Bots
- JSAC 2020: 100 more behind cockroaches? or how to hunt IoCs with OSINT
- OBTS v3.0: Mimic in Configuration
- AVTOKYO 2020: Phishing Kit Analysis Workshop
- JSAC 2021: GhostDNSbusters - Tracking and Responding to a Large Scale DNS Hijacking Campaign
- DEF CON 29 Recon Village: Adversary Infrastructure Tracking with Mihari
- HITCON 2021: Collaborate from Home: Japan and UK Edition
- Open Compliance Summit Japan 2022: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bom
- JSAC 2023: Surviving the hurt locker: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bom
- VirusTotal User Group JP (2023/09/01): (Shallow) Dive Into Network Entities
- JSAC 2024: JSAC2024 Mihari Workshop