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Mihari is packaged as a Ruby Gem. Thus you can install it via gem command.

gem install mihari

Mihari uses SQLite3 as a primary database by default. Thus a gem for SQLite (sqlite3) is installed by default.

If you want to use MySQL or PostgreSQL instead of SQLite3, please install a gem for that by yourself.


gem install mysql2


  • Mihari is tested with mysql2 v0.5+.
  • Please check brianmario/mysql2 if you have a problem with installing mysql2.


gem install pg


  • Mihari is tested with pg v1.5+.
  • Please check ged/ruby-pg if you have a problem with installing pg.

With Bundler

Alternatively you can use Bundler to manage dependencies.


source ''

gem 'mihari'

# Remove mysql2 or pg if you don't use MySQL or PostgreSQL
gem "mysql2", "~> 0.5"
gem "pg", "~> 1.5"

mihari and mysql2 or pg will be installed by bundle install.